====== Container 'mariadb' ====== ===== Ressourcen ===== * 1 GB RAM * 2 Cores * 8 GB HDD (root-fs) ===== System ===== * interne IPs *, fd00:10:2:0::100 *, fd00:10:3:0::100 (MariaDB) ===== Dienste ===== * MariaDB 10 ===== Datenbanken ===== ^ Datenbank ^ Benutzer ^ Verwendung ^ | cloud | cloud | [[cloud]] | | etherpadlite | etherpadlite | [[pad]] | | nextcloud | nc_user | [[dienste:bytecluster0002:nextcloud|Nextcloud]] | | paste | paste | [[paste]] | | wordpress | wp_user | [[dienste:bytecluster0002:wordpress|Wordpress]] | | wordpress_technikkultur | wordpress_tk | [[wordpress-technikkultur|Wordpress Technikkultur]] | | wordpress_freifunk_erfurt | wordpress_ffef | [[wordpress-freifunk-erfurt|Wordpress Freifunk Erfurt]] | ===== Betrieb ===== ==== Datenbank und Benutzer anlegen ==== - Zur Datenbank verbinden * **sudo mysql** - Datenbank anlegen und Benutzer mit Passwort zuweisen CREATE DATABASE databasename; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO 'username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ==== Passwort für Benutzer ändern ==== - Zur Datenbank verbinden * **sudo mysql** - Benutzer neues Passwort zuweisen ALTER USER 'username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ===== Installation ===== * Standard-Template mit Benutzern ==== MariaDB ==== - MariaDB-Server installieren * **apt-get install mariadb-server** - MariaDB - Erstkonfiguration * **mysql_secure_installation** * Set root password? [Y/n]: **Y** * New password: **PASSWORT** * Re-enter new password: **PASSWORT** * Remove anonymous users? [Y/n]: **Y** * Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]: **Y** * Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n]: **Y** * Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n]: **Y** - Benutzerdefinierte Konfiguration anlegen [mysqld] # An lokale IP binden bind-address = # Binlog deaktivieren skip-log-bin # InnoDB verwenden default_storage_engine = InnoDB # InnoDB-Optimierungen innodb_buffer_pool_size = 256M innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M innodb_log_file_size = 128M innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT innodb_file_per_table = 1 - MariaDB neustarten * **systemctl restart mariadb.service** ==== Backup mit Borgmatic ==== - Borgmatic installieren * **sudo apt-get update** * **sudo apt-get install borgmatic** - pwgen installieren * **sudo apt-get install pwgen** - Borgmatic-Konfiguration in der Datei /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml erzeugen * **sudo generate-borgmatic-config** - SSH-Key erzeugen * **sudo ssh-keygen -a100 -t ed25519 -f /root/.ssh/id_borgbackup** - SSH-Key bei Backupserver hinterlegen - Zufälliges Passwort in Konfiguration erzeugen sudo sed -i -e "s|^ # \(encryption_passphrase: \"\).*\(\"\)$| \1PASS_TO_REPLACE\2|" /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml sudo sed -i "s|PASS_TO_REPLACE|$(pwgen -cnysB -1 32 -r \"\^\|\\\\)|" /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml - Konfiguration anpassen (USERNAME, SERVERNAME, SSH-PORT ersetzen) location: ... source_directories: - /etc - /home - /root - /usr/local - /var/log ... repositories: - USERNAME@SERVERNAME:~/borg ... one_file_system: true ... exclude_caches: true ... storage: ... encryption_passphrase: "ENCRYPTION-PASSPHRASE" ... compression: zlib,9 ... ssh_command: ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_borgbackup -p SSH-PORT ... retention: ... keep_daily: 7 ... keep_weekly: 4 ... keep_monthly: 6 ... keep_yearly: 1 ... consistency: ... checks: - repository - archives ... hooks: before_backup: - dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W > /root/package.list ... mysql_databases: - name: all ... - Borg-Repository initialisieren * **sudo borgmatic init --encryption keyfile** - Verschlüsselungsinformationen sicher verwahren - Verschlüsselungs-Passwort ermitteln * **sudo grep "encryption_passphrase:" /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml** - Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel ermitteln * **sudo cat /root/.config/borg/keys/SERVERNAME-MIT-UNTERSTRICHEN__borg** - Erstes Backup initialisieren * **sudo borgmatic create --progress --stats** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Archive name: mariadb-2020-12-05T17:36:48.502653 Archive fingerprint: 9a9c7f769dcd9af1e7f28158e4a3b0d05cb3faae25c45a6e9930591a1414eaa3 Time (start): Sat, 2020-12-05 17:36:49 Time (end): Sat, 2020-12-05 17:36:55 Duration: 6.57 seconds Number of files: 472 Utilization of max. archive size: 0% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Original size Compressed size Deduplicated size This archive: 71.08 MB 2.72 MB 2.53 MB All archives: 71.08 MB 2.72 MB 2.53 MB Unique chunks Total chunks Chunk index: 437 464 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Backupinhalt nochmal prüfen * **sudo borgmatic list --archive latest** USERNAME@SERVERNAME:~/borg: Listing archives drwxr-xr-x root root 0 Wed, 2020-11-25 19:49:45 etc -rw-r--r-- root root 767 Fri, 2016-03-04 11:00:00 etc/profile ... - Cronjob einrichten * **echo -e "0 3 * * *\troot\t$(which borgmatic) --syslog-verbosity 1" | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/borgmatic > /dev/null**